Monday, September 5, 2011

Zippered Pouch

(Although it doesn't look like it in the picture, it is in fact rectangular.)

Otter made this today.  It's similar to the felt ones she made a couple of years ago, one of which is already on here previously.  I use it to hold some of my crochet hooks.  Otter's not sure what this one will be for, it's a little small for pencils, but she'll find a use for it.

It's about 7" wide.  It's an easy pattern, all it needs is fabric, thread and a zipper.  This one has a 7" zipper.

Crochet Sock Monkey Hat

These look kind of creepy, but Otter likes hers a lot.

This one is Otter's.  The eyes are black buttons.

Froggy, this one is yours!  The eyes are also buttons, but they are black with a white outline.

The hats are easy and a variation of the same pattern I've used for the other caps I've made.  Single Stich, 14 rows.  The ears are crocheted seperately and attached, and so is the mouth.  The original pattern I had called for a black line to be stitched across the mouth, but I didn't like the way it looked.

Also, the original pattern called for a tan yarn, but I liked the grey better.

I still think they look creepy!  I tried crocheting black circles to use for the eyes, but they looked really strange and Otter said that she'd be afraid to wear a hat like that - it might come alive and come after her. :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September is National Sewing Month

I don't sew very often, I leave that to Froggy and Otter.  But it's a skill that is worth learning.  It's also a lot of fun.  It can be difficult at times, but so can anything else.

September is National Sewing Month, so get busy!