Monday, April 9, 2012

Otter's My Little Pony Refurbish Craft Project

I mentioned this on my main blog, but Otter loves to craft.  She's always working on something.  She didn't have a choice, seeing as she's the daughter of two crafters!  She's been working on My Little Pony refurbishment projects.  MLP's are very popular with as many adults as they are with kids, and guys and girls both like them.  Some of the refurbished ponies can sell for a lot, and some of them are real works of art.

Otter submitted one of hers to one of the MLP fan sites and they apparently liked it.  Because they featured it on their main page on Easter weekend.

Source # 4 Otter's Submission

(April 19:  Otter sold this one for $10.00!)