Friday, October 10, 2014

I Love Yarn Day 2014

One of my very favorite days!!

I sometimes say this, exactly this!

I have so much more now, this is only a hint of the amount of yarn I actually have!
I read a blog recently where the person had recently started knitting again after trying briefly while she was a teenager.  Yarn did what it usually does, wrapped itself around her and is never going to let her go.  She went to a yard sale advertised as being the estate of a crafter.  Remember **S.A.B.L.E.?  Well, the estate belonged to a successful yarn-aholic, because the lady had passed on but her yarn stash had outlived her!  We should all be so lucky...

**Stash Amassed Beyond Life Expectancy

It's the only way to be.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

September is National Sewing Month

Sewing is not "my thing" but it is Otter's and Froggy's.

Mom was also a seamstress, although I don't think it was her favorite thing to do.  Her sister, our Aunt who lived with us and we considered our 2nd mother, was a seamstress and a professional one. 
I do some sewing, but not very much.  Froggy quilts and so does her daughter, KN#3.  Otter loves to sew, but she doesn't have a lot of time for it.  Bill even does some sewing.
Get busy!

Monday, June 16, 2014

International KIP or CIP Day

Week, actually.
KIP:  Knit in Public.
CIP:  Crochet in Public.
June 14 - 22, 2014.
I will participate in this one as much as I can.  But then I kind of celebrate this one 365 days a year!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March is International Crochet Month and International Craft Month!

 I usually do carry yarn.

The next one is for Otter:

The next one is me 100%!

(Yes, I will crochet in a park, the dark, on a plane, etc.  I haven't found a place yet where it would be inappropriate.)

That describes Otter 100%

(That one is me all the way.  Probably nobody is surprised!)

So, get busy crafting!

That one could be re-worked a bit, to include quilting.  Right, Froggy?

So, crochet IS special.

The next one is also me.

Intervention not needed!  Also, that could be reworded to crafting or sewing, just change a couple of words.