Friday, October 11, 2013

I Love Yarn Day 2013

Guess what day it is!

I intend to celebrate it much longer than one day, but then I generally observe ILYD 365 days a year.
Just a few examples of how:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ripple Afghan Lap Blanket

After nearly 3 years, I finally finished the afghan!  I started it on the way to TEXAS for Thanksgiving, 2010.  I got quite a bit done, but then we had two hot summers in a row and the last thing I wanted to work on was a blanket.  So, it got put aside and then the winters were also warm so it stayed in the closet waiting on me.  I have been working on it a few rows at a time and last Saturday was a wet, chilly day so I worked on it most of the day.  It started out with the idea of becoming a bed-sized blanket, but it really wasn't wide enough so it decided it wanted to be a lap blanket instead.  I figure I can always add to it if I decide to, but I'm thinking that it will probably stay the size it is.
21 sets of 4 rows each, 84 rows.  Base row is a chain stitch and the rest are single stitch.  The yarn is by Caron and is very soft.

Here it is!

This is the first actual row.

24 rows, not including the foundation chain stitch row.

Close up of the stitches at 56 rows. 

The safety pin with the orange yarn is to mark my place and keep it from accidentally being frogged when I stopped each time I worked on it.

This is the completed afghan, it's not quite square.  This picture is taken from the bottom, which is the straightest edge but because it's ripple pattern it isn't actually straight edged.

A closer shot of the foundation edge, the corner is flipped up a bit but you can tell that it's straighter.

This is the end edge, the ripple is more evident in this shot.  If I do ever decide to add on, this is where it will happen.
I'm just so glad to be done with it!
Photography credit:  Otter.