Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cotton Kitchen Wash Cloths Cloth Washcloth Washcloths

(Lots of titles because people call things by different names.)
I've made several of these wash cloths, they are made with cotton yarn and are intended for dishwashing but they could be used for a lot of other things.
These specifically were for my sisterfromanothermother, Virginia.  They are about 8" long.  All single stitch, alternating between back and front post stitches which gives them the textured pattern.  They are finished with a row of single stiches all around.

All three of them, from a slightly different angle.

A close up of the top one in the group picture.

I'm pretty pleased with the way they turn out and they are easy to make.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Blue Granny Square Afghan Lap Blanket

Lots of names for this one!
A while back, a long while back actually, I started a project that was supposed to be a robe made out of granny squares.  But it decided it didn't want to be a robe, it wanted to be a lap blanket instead. Sometimes that happens!
6 squares by 8 squares, each square is 4 rows of royal blue with a light blue outer row.  Then the squares are stitched together with the same light blue.

 Here's a close up of a square.

This is what it looks like where the rows are stitched together.

The squares are all triple stitch, it's stitched together with single stitches.
It's actually going to be pretty warm.