Thursday, March 3, 2016

March is Craft Month

(Not just crochet, but crochet is of course my favorite craft!)

Here are a few examples:

This is a photo of a shadow box in progress, I haven't posted it yet but it is finished.

Fabric lined tray.

Soap pump made from a caning jar.

Wooden bookshelf Bill made for the library books which always need a place to park.

Otter made this cat ears headband for one of her early cosplay attempts.

Fabric covered bulletin boad.

Fabric covered mouse pad.

All of these with the exception of the shadow box have either been on this blog or on the main blog.

Get crafting!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March is International Crochet Month!

My favorite month!  Not just for the crochet, it's also Otter's birthday on the last day of March.  But this post is about this:

Which means this:

(This is just a very small sample of my yarn stash)

(Yes, everywhere!)

(Yes, great pain.)

Just a few thoughts!